REVIEW: Various Artists – IN THE LAB 02 (Golden Ticket Tapes)

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“Instrumental HipHop is our passion. We believe in analog love in a digital world, in sample culture, in a tolerant and open minded spirit and a global community.”

Golden Ticket Tapes

German label GOLDEN TICKET TAPES just dropped their second compilation and it’s full of instrumental hip hop goodness. Starting off with “Exhale” by Flitz & Suppe setting the chill mood right off the bat. Then Pachakuti & young.vishnu sooth your ears with the smoothest saxophone track you can imagine. Phlocalyst & M e a d o w take you on a downtempo journey with “Despondency”. It’s hard to chose the best beats on this compilation because they’re all really dope. Hats off to Golden Ticket Tapes and their great taste.
Buy tape link

The beat tape is also available as a physical tape so don’t sleep on it and order your copy now!

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